Everyone will definitely taste death, therefore it is important for us to prepare ourselves to face death with authentic (true) faith, pure monotheism, righteous deeds, and the basis of sincere intentions. This book explains what deeds are rewarded. can continue to flow after death, and of course these practices are in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahualaihi wa Sallam.And among its contents discussing DEATH is something that is certain and no one will escape death, all Gods creatures will feel and experience it, as confirmed by the Koran: "Every soul will surely taste death. And only on the Day of Judgment will your reward be given. Whoever is kept away from hell and put into heaven, indeed he has won. The life of this world is but deceptive pleasure.” (QS. Ali Imran: 185)Even so, humans have never been able to know and be able to detect when he will be picked up by the angel Azrael because this is Gods secret, only He alone knows when we will face Him. Death also does not look at age and gender, children or adults, parents, male or female, married or not, still a girl or a widow.Death knows no time or place, nor can its presence be suspended nor can it be brought forward even for a moment. This means that he comes to pick up on time anywhere and anytime according to the promises and decisions of Allah SWT, as explained in the Koran: "When their death comes, they cannot ask for a moments delay or acceleration." (QS. al-Araf: 34)Humans experience life and death twice, the first death is experienced by humans before their birth, or before God breathes the spirit of life into them, while the second death is when they leave this mortal world. The first life is experienced by humans when humans inhale and exhale in the world, while the second life is when he is in the afterlife or later when he lives eternally in the hereafter.This book is an explanation of any practice whose rewards can continue to flow after death, and of course these practices are in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahualaihi wa sallam